Explanatory text for 'differing viewpoint' works in previous section

'Phylogeny of Species as Debated by Taxonomic Splitters and Lumpers'
The life-sized Golden lion tamarin was chosen for its silken furred beauty, considered by many as the most beautiful primate. The humans are another primate: these ones have created metal and mind-based worlds to move through, having gilt themselves golden, considering themselves the most favored and uniquely amazing species.
Monkeys and apes are phylogenically nearby to us humans.
How astonished were we, with Darwin’s “Origin of Species” showing that we are part of life’s continuum. How astonished are they, that we have become so numerous, billions, everywhere, busily changing the world all around.

'The Deepest and Most Fundamental Laws of the Universe'
The larger shorebird, the Whimbrel, is on seemingly solid ground. Secure in its larger size, it eyes the bit of cloth flying by. The lower of the smaller two fleeing birds, Snowy Plovers, has captured the itsy bitsy teeny weenie yellow polka dot bikini, to be an offering to its mate, as a nesting site. Strength hierarchy, resource capture and sexual attraction govern life at this scale. These creatures inhabit the macro sphere, equivalent to the quantum micro, which is shown by the Feynman diagrams. Feynman diagrams depict and translate to formulas that calculate and demonstrate the forces that animate the entire quantum mechanical universe, thus all the foundational forces that govern all matter, from stars to bosons.

'Orchids Matter 2 the Mystery of Dark Matter'
The orchids mysteriously coordinated their blooming time after previously blooming at random intervals. This new strangely aligns with new theories about the mysterious ‘substance’ being called Dark Matter, which is now thought to be the coordinating “cradle” structure that allows gas clouds and dust fragments to condense into new stars. Stars spin off heavy elements when they explode, and these are the building blocks of all life on our planet and compose our physical bodies. The buds on the five orchid plants were so numerous that they looked like stars too. Dark Matter has no physicality but somehow creates connections that cause normal matter to drift together, and then gravity makes that all collapse into a star.